Bachelor of Physiotherapy Solved Question Papers First Year Second Edition
Book Title: Bachelor of Physiotherapy Solved Question Papers First Year Second Edition
Author/s: Dr. I Clement
Jothi Basu
Published Year: 2025
MRP ₹ 1,695/-
₹ 1,440/-
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About the Book:
1. This book applicable to first year BPT students studying under Indian Universities conducting Bachelor of Physiotherapy
2. Solved question paper of ten years (2019-2010) prepared based on through verification of various Indian Universities conducting Bachelor of Physiotherapy
3. Most repeated and very important questions are selected and presented in this solved question paper
4. Specialty experts are consulted, answers are simplified and their corrections are incorporated
5. This solved question paper presented very simple, point vice and self explanatory for better student
6. All the subjects are presented with needed and important diagrams, tables, flowchart and mnemonics
7. This text helps the students for better learning and face the examination confidently to score good marks