Text book of Applied Biochemistry for B.Sc. Nursing Second Semester - According to INC New Syallabus 2021-2022 onwards
Book Title: Text book of Applied Biochemistry for B.Sc. Nursing Second Semester - According to INC New Syallabus 2021-2022 onwards
Author/s: Dr. Sherin Varghese
Published Year: 2022
MRP ₹ 475/-
₹ 428/-
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This book “Text book of Applied Biochemistry for B.Sc. Nursing Second Semester” is written for nursing students according to the revised syllabus provided by the Indian Nursing Council. There are eight chapters and the contents are written in simple language with colored diagrams, illustrations and a question bank after every chapter. This book will help the students to acquire knowledge of the normal biochemical composition and functioning of the human body, and its alterations in disease conditions, so that it helps them during their practice of nursing.