Text Book of Modern Pharmaceutical Analytical Techniques
Book Title: Text Book of Modern Pharmaceutical Analytical Techniques
Author/s: Dr. Rajesh. R
Dr. Selvakumar. K
Published Year: 2025
MRP ₹ 475/-
₹ 425/-
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Pharmaceutical sciences are at the forefront of innovation and research, with analytical techniques playing a pivotal role in ensuring the quality, safety, and efficacy of drugs. The increasing complexity of pharmaceutical formulations and stringent regulatory requirements demand a profound understanding of modern analytical methods. Text book of Modern
Pharmaceutical Analytical Techniques, has been meticulously designed to provide M.Pharm students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and applications of cutting-edge analytical tools.
The primary objective of this book is to equip readers with a thorough understanding of advanced analytical techniques used in the pharmaceutical industry and academic research. Beginning with fundamental concepts, it progresses to cover sophisticated instrumental methods such as spectroscopy, chromatography, mass spectrometry techniques. Each
chapter explores the fundamental principles, instrumentation, and applications of these
methods, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical implementation.
Special emphasis has been placed on electrophoresis, X-ray diffraction studies, thermal
analysis, and radioimmunoassay, as these techniques are indispensable for the students.
The content is further enhanced with detail