A Text book of Mental Health Nursing for General Nursing and Midwifery Students
Book Title: A Text book of Mental Health Nursing for General Nursing and Midwifery Students
Author/s: Ms. Bani Chakraborty
Dr. Baisakhi Sarkar
Published Year: 2024
MRP ₹ 695/-
₹ 590/-
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‘A Text Book of Mental Health Nursing’ has been designed for the GNM Students as per Indian Nursing
Council’s new syllabus. As an educator in the field of nursing, we recognize the critical importance of mental
health care in the overall well-being of individuals.
Mental health is an integral part of overall health, influencing individuals’ daily lives, relationships, and ability to contribute meaningfully to society. As the global focus on mental health continues to grow, the role of nurses in providing compassionate, evidence-based care to individuals facing mental health challenges has never been more crucial. This book is dedicated to supporting General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) students on their journey to becoming proficient mental health care providers.